Our 7 Step eLearning Methodology for Success in ACCA Exams

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Champions are not born! They are made by conceptual learning, rigorous practice, constant assessment, demanding revisions and so much more. At Synthesis Online, our ACCA eLearning Courses have been tailored by global experts to make you an ‘ACCA Champion’.

The ACCA eLearning platform is designed by an experienced instructional design team using purpose-driven educational milestones to maximize the impact of your learning and ultimately ensure exam success. We leverage the best of technology, talent, and tutors; trusted by over 25,000+ students across 114+ countries globally. Guess what! Our eLearning platform is also among the only few online solutions to be Platinum Accredited by ACCA themselves with an overall global pass rate of 92% upwards. How did we manage to do all this?

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Here are our unique 7-steps to success approach that does the trick:

Step 1: Learning Lectures: Lecture Room

In the learning phase, our expert tutors focus on demystifying topics within the syllabus through crisp 30-minute-long videos. The focus at this step is on introducing the topic and providing you with some background to the content and subject matter. The course is taught using licensed Kaplan study materials as the source document. The lectures can be viewed anytime-anywhere; throughout the day or night; on a computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Step 2: Test Your Understanding: Preliminary Assessment

After each learning lecture, you will find multimedia-style quizzes as a learning reinforcement exercise. The questions in the quiz are designed to help maximize your chances of retaining the newly acquired knowledge. There are various types of questions in accordance with the ACCA examination – multiple-choice, drag, and drop, put in a specific order, or a numerical answer. Once the test has been completed, you can see your result together with the correct answers.

Step 3: Energisers: Exam Orientation

The energizer links the “learning“ and “practice” steps of the course by energizing the student and orienting them from learning to getting through the exam. This part of the course is based on exposing you to the format of the exam rather than teaching only technical areas. This ensures that while technical knowledge is gained through the course, exam preparedness also increases.

Step 4: Practice Lectures: Exam Preparedness

Here the focus is on practicing exam-standard questions by debriefing numerous questions and techniques. While the learning lectures phase of the course is based on introducing the knowledge to you, the practice lecture phase is very much focused on making you exam-ready.

Step 5: Test Your Understanding: Progress Assessment

At this stage, there is s another learning reinforcement exercise planned for you that helps you keep on track so that you are ready for the exam simulation phase of the course. This helps ensure that the techniques covered in the practice phase to pass the exam are retained.

Step 6: Mock Exam: Final Preparation

An exam-standard simulation exam is provided to enable the student to have a full-practice attempt at an exam. While you’re in the run-up to the final exam, this simulation presents a great opportunity to experience what it is like to attempt the final exam.

It’s been purpose-designed to replicate the style of the final exam as well as provide an opportunity to practice exam standard questions in timed conditions.

Step 7: Webinar: Tips & Techniques

In the final run-up to the real exam, we conduct a webinar with last-minute guidance, tips, and tricks that will help ensure that you remain focused on the final push to get through your exam. If any student has asked any questions during the course that the tutor thinks will be of relevance to you then he or she will also cover these in the webinar.

We are confident that if you cover each step of the learning process with discipline, you will be in a position to tackle the exam with high relevance & flair, & maximize your chances of clearing the exam with flying colors.

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