Can I Pursue ACCA While Working?

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A lot of working professionals study ACCA alongside their jobs. Graduates with a bachelor’s / master’s degree, Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, MBAs & so on. Ever wondered what encourages them to study and work together? Off course, it is the rich 21st-century business & finance knowledge that one learns in the course & applies in day-to-day job functions that enable the learner to make a rich job experience & move up the ladder to grab bigger & more challenging roles in the organisation. Let us dive in to look at a few positive factors that make ACCA a savvy qualification to pursue with your existing job.

Advantages of Pursuing ACCA While Working

1. Enhancement of Skills

Pursuing ACCA alongside your job elevates your resume while conveying to your future employers that you are focused and committed towards self-enhancement, along with having exceptional time-management skills. This is also an opportunity to hone your critical thinking skills, which will help you in viewing situations and problems from a different managerial perspective. Given that ACCA is a combination of accounting, finance and business management, you can expect to learn the best of all the worlds.

To know why CAs are pursing ACCA watch the below video:

2. Practical Experience

Working and studying for ACCA in parallel is considered to be reciprocally advantageous. Your job helps you learn better and your learning improves your performance at work. A workplace mentor can always guide you through and support your progress.

3. Job Perspective

When you apply for a new job that has multiple applicants, you will have the chance to jump ahead of the queue because of your ACCA Qualification. It helps to secure jobs at dream companies like the Big 4 as ACCA has a dedicated job portal with 7500+ employers and tie-ups with corporates. During times of distress, lay-offs or recession, the ACCA Qualification can become your shield as the demand is quite continuous and important.

To know about job opportunities in India watch the below video:

4. Flexibility of the ACCA Qualification

The ACCA Qualification has been designed in a manner that enables working professionals to work and study in balance.

    • There are many exemptions available depending on your last degree (Check our Exemptions Calculator to know more).
    • Further exams are online & take place 4 times a year – March, June, Sep & Dec. A candidate can choose to sit for one paper at a time and as many as 4 papers in one exam session & 8 papers in total for the year.
    • Candidate has the flexibility of taking an exam at the ACCA-approved exam centre in the city or Remotely invigilated exams from the comfort of their homes.

Some Tips For Managing Work And ACCA Studies Together

1. Prepare a Smart Study Plan

You need to become an excellent planner if you want to thrive in both your studies and work. Preparing your monthly, weekly and daily studying activities will help you feel in control of the situation; track your progress and even act as a reminder to stick to your study goals. Also, take into account that you will need to be ready and fresh for work each and every day, so don’t cram a lot of study time during the week. The best part about ACCA here is that depending upon your current educational qualifications, exemptions are awarded to skip the subjects in which you already hold a certificate.

To know everything about ACCA Exams watch the below video:

2. Let Your Colleagues or Supervisors Know You Are Pursuing ACCA

Announcing that you are starting with the ACCA program is a win-win situation in many cases. First, if ACCA is connected with your job, it will show your employers that you are genuinely interested in advancing your skills and knowledge, which means you are adding value to the company you work for. At the same time, supervisors and colleagues might go easier on you knowing that you also have to study. This means no overtime work and, why not, colleagues being more willing to cover for you if you have an exam, for example.

3. Know Your Priorities

Everybody loves going on holidays and enjoys watching movies. Staying disciplined is tough and it’s a constant chore. At the end of the day, you need to prioritise your long-term goal over short-term indulgences. You must be willing to stretch yourself to succeed.

To know everything about ACCA Qualifications

Click Here(acca-course)

4. Join a Learning Partner

We would highly recommend you join an approved learning partner for the ACCA course if you plan to pursue it alongside your job as this increases your chances of performing better and concentrating on things which matter the most. While some may choose to prepare on their own, this will significantly increase the commitment of your most precious resource – time. Also given that some exemptions may be applicable to you and there are various practical techniques involved in ACCA, it is advisable to be well-prepared and aware.

Introducing our ACCA Online portal which is best suited for working professionals for the following reasons –

  • Self-paced which means one can study at a convenience
  • Concise & helps you crack exams given in one go. Developed keeping in mind work priorities.
  • All the elements one needs for preparation are available in the portal – Video Classes, Practice Lectures, Tests, Energizers, Content, Mock Exams, AI-enabled Study Planner & more.

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